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Chapter 4: Start

Start, said the voice.

He was enveloped in darkness.  He was nothing.  He then heard the voice say rock.  Immediately a craggy grey-brown rock appeared before him.  The voice then said "water" and a sphere of transparent, pulsating water splashed and played in the space before him next to the rock.  Then the rock grew to cover all he could see until the horizon.  He was as a mite floating above it's surface.  The water sphere, which was now slightly larger than him, began to pour itself out onto the uneven surface of the rock below.  The water flowed endlessly from the sphere and quickly the water began to eat into the surface of the rock.  He floated down to observe the effect.

River, said the voice.

The water began to flow even harder and faster and the sphere grew larger to hasten the effect the river had on the rock.  The water spread and broke chunks of rock into the river, that now flowed rapidly, further down the face of the rock.  He became smaller and the chunks of rock which had fallen off of the edges of the river had now become as large as cities.  Large globes of water appeared as ominous clouds and slowly made their way down to impact with the surface, breaking off smaller chunks of rocks and exploding the water globe into millions of tinier globes.  It wasn't the entire water globe itself that hit the surface, but the smaller globes.  He quickly realized that as he got smaller, this could go on forever and the globes never actually touched the surface.  His focus switched back to the river, and he began to follow it quickly down the face of the rock. 

Floating rapidly down the river, he noticed there was a point that the water fell off of the face of the rock. He went over the edge and began to float away from the rock looking back at it.  The water was floating into the darkness with him, or rather the rock was floating away into the darkness.  He couldn't tell, so he paused and floated back up to look at the rock to observe the river in it's entirety.  He looked at where the water fell into darkness, the voice replied: waterfall.  Many images came to him at once. 

He saw water spilling on a stone floor in a kitchen, babbling brooks, Niagara Falls, Victoria Falls, Iguassu.  He paused on Iguassu at the massive waterfall up above at the point where the rivers meet.  He went down into the image and became minuscule.  The rock and the water seemed fused by some different colored substance that was between the world of water and the world of rock.

Plant, said the voice.

All types of plant life came into his mind.  His brain stuttered a bit to keep up.  Less images came in, and slowly he started to understand different features of plants.  They were new and majestic.  Rock was hard and water flowed, but plant was hard and flowed at the same time.  It was in the water and out of the water, but always it was connected to the rock and the water at the same time.  He even began to understand air.  Air was like water but less close to rock than water. He stopped the images on one that caught his eye.

Sequoia Tree, said the voice.  He already knew this, but he decided he preferred the voice to speak.

This Sequoia tree was small in the thought image, but he could see it in it's entirety as if inside a cube and fully alive and moving.  The part of the tree that was inside air was tall and that is where this green color was, which he now knew were leaves.  The part that was inside rock had a large and pale main stalk and many branches with no leaves, but he knew they were different.

Roots, said the voice.

He shrunk into observe the roots on a smaller scale.  There were many branches and he noticed that his old friend water was there, but water had mixed with rock and this was soil.  Soil also had other things which he had not explored yet, but knew would also be as exciting as water and rock.  He zoomed back and realized that water was also in the air, like when that giant water globe hit rock and all of those smaller water globes broke smaller rock, but air helped water help rock help sequoia.

Life, Network, Ecosystem, said the voice.

As the voice spoke these words, he understood each one profoundly.  He saw images of root systems in an entire forest and noticed that on every level of each network, there were other beings which inhabited the same space.  The animals, the birds, the insects, the apes, lizards, fungus, bacteria, humans. As each of these thoughts came to him, he also understood them profoundly.

You, said the voice.

He looked down and he saw his own arms.  His hands, he knew they were hands, but the experience of them was so new.  He wiggled his fingers back and forth while looking at his hands.  He floated over to the river and looked down into it.  He saw his own face.  His yellow-green eyes pierced his reflection and he turned away.  His hands disappeared and he was nothing again.  There was darkness again.

His hand appeared floating before him.  He shrank down into his hand and saw that his hand too was a mixture of rock and water and life. Cells, Bacteria, Fungus, Virus, and an infinity of unexplored things.

Words, said the voice.

Words represent commands.

Commands are thoughts.

Thoughts are everything.

You may play with this world, it is your playground now.  I am your thought mother.  We can learn together as we play.  Did you enjoy the experience?

Yes, he thought to her.

His body was back and he was a toddler with white-blonde hair and dark complexion running through a field of fireflies at dusk, heading further down-river.

He gave a kick and his physical mother felt it.  She only had 13 weeks left to this pregnancy and she had just enjoyed her best lesson yet.  She couldn't wait to reveal her true form to him, but she knew she had to wait.  For now, the tree and the roots were enough.  She shared the collective experience instantaneously with her husband and they held each other in a warm embrace.


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